Survey Work

We did some survey work with local people in the lead up to and as part of the Brierley Hillness project. We involved 454 people in this work.

It is important to acknowledge that data has been collected with various methodologies and analysed by the project team. Some data sets are inevitably more robust than others, but still an honest reflection of what local people think.

Bearing this in mind we are keen to share the statistics we have compiled; these range from perceptions about the historic environment in Brierley Hill, to the need for more arts and heritage projects in the area.

Against each statistic we show the number of people who have responded, how many are residents of Brierley Hill itself where known, and the methodology used to collect the data.

A publication showing all the statistics produced is available to download. Brierley Hill Survey Work and Statistics 2011.

1. Methodologies

1. Digital self-completion survey

Before the Brierley Hillness project began English Heritage conducted a perception survey at three separate events in Brierley Hill. 200 people responded to a digital survey which focused on finding out people’s perceptions towards the historic environment, especially in relation to the High Street Conservation Area. This was a strategic priority for the People and Place  work being led by the English Heritage Outreach Manager at that time.

The digital kiosks were provided and programmed by Trilby Multimedia. The kiosk was set up using these Kiosk Perception Survey Questions. Here is the Brierley Hill Perception Survey 2010 Demographic Data for the kisok survey work.

 2. Face to face Interviews

71 people were asked to respond to the same set of Street Interview Questions during face to face interviews in and around Brierley Hill High Street. Some responses were filmed, others written down by the interviewer. (respondents: 71)

3. Self-completion feedback form after performance of “One Boy. One Town. One Big Idea!” at Brierley Hill Civic Hall. (respondents: 76) Audience Feedback Form

4. Questionnaire sent home with school children from four local primary schools to complete with an adult family member. Some of these were filled in with the teacher’s support. (respondents: 74) Pupil’s questionnaire and activity pack

5. Self-completion questionnaire at Concord event showcasing the community mural 7/5/11. (respondents: 33) Mural Quiz

See statistics…

Environment and buildings

Potential for Arts, culture, heritage and sport

Involvement in Decision-making

Room for improvement!

Looking back, an overall weakness of the survey work was a lack of consistency.  A core set of questions for everyone taking part in any research or survey would have strengthened the research. We could have improved this by the project partners agreeing the questions at the very beginning of the project.

We could have also given out a small core set of statements for agreement or disagreement to everyone we worked with through workshops, or who came to events. This would have increased our evidence base significantly.  At the same time, however, we wanted to show that people can express their opinions through creative expression and that formal ‘consultation’ isn’t the only approach. Keeping the balance is important.

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