Statistics: Involvement in Decision-making

200 people in Brierley Hill were asked if they got involved, or would like to get involved more, in local decision-making. This was part of the Brierley Hill perception survey carried out by English Heritage in 2010, in preparation for the Brierley Hillness project. Methodologies for data collection are explained in Survey Work.

Respondents were asked if they had ever given the Council their opinion about changes they were planning to the local area (For example; changes to services, roads, new building construction)

  • 30/112 (27%) of Brierley Hill residents say they had given their opinion
  • 82/112 (73%) of Brierley Hill residents say they had not.

Compared to responses from people living outside Brierley Hill but in the Dudley Borough – 29/88 (33%) said they had given their opinion and 59/88 (67%) said they had not.

Those who had not before given their opinion were then asked if they would like to be more involved in making decisions about their local area in the future.

  • Of these 82 Brierley Hill residents – 51/82 (63%) residents say they would like to be more involved in local decision-making
  • 31/82 (37%) said they would not.

Compared to responses from those people from the wider Dudley Borough area who said they had not given their opinion 

  • 35/59 (59%) said they would like to be more involved in local decision-making
  • 24/59 (41%) said they would not.

Those who said they would like to be more involved were then asked if they would consider attending a free public event about how to respond to Council consultations.

  • 38/51 (74%) of people from Brierley Hill also said they would consider attending an event to help them learn how they can respond to council consultations

Compared to those from Dudley Borough who said they would like to me more involved – 28/35 (80%).

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Environment and buildings

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